l mix design llc.
Tokyo University Kashiwanoha Satellite Campus
Sign Design
location :
Chiba / Japan
The University of Tokyo, Kashiwanoha Campus Station Satellite was completed in 2014, at Kashiwanoha Campus Station of Tsukuba Express Line. This area is a model city of the near future, driven by the “Kashiwanoha International Campus Town Concept” of Chiba Prefecture, Kashiwa City, Tokyo University and Chiba University. It is also called “Kashiwanoha Smart City” which is also supported by a company in the private sector, Mitsui Fudosan, and by the Kashiwanoha Campus Station Satellite which also plays a role as a base for innovation.
This station-front facility has three layers of pilotis (pilotis are a grid of reinforced columns that bears the structural load and replaces supporting walls.) and makes the outside space opened to the city. The sign, THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO, represents the tradition and trust. In the hope of showing that the university creates the next generation jointly with people in the community, we worked on the design by which people can feel familiar to the university.
Future Center Initiative of the University of Tokyo is the activity organization placed in this facility. In designing the facility sign, we made a plan for the visual identity. Although it has not come to realization, we introduce it here as a design example for a regional, industry and academia collaboration.
一本の柱いっぱいに、THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYOを配しました。商業施設とは異なり、大学の研究施設では珍しい大きさかもしれません。設置の位置、高さにも意図があります。遠くからの視認性を重視する場合、建物上部外壁に設置されることが多いですが、ここでは、行き交う市民にできるだけ近い場所に設置して、より身近に感じられるように、かつ、東京大学の誇りと伝統と信頼性が軽んじられることのないよう大切にデザインしました。