l mix design llc.
Residence U
Residence Design
Megumi Isoyama
K's Planning
Fukushima / Japan
Tomohiro Sakashita
The small house for a couple and the child that the cube of the silver having the pent roof of a loose slant is built in Fukushima.
Because many friends visit it by car, land pattern, the couple own a car in each and establish the parking space for five to the southwest contacting with a road. I locate a garden in the northeast side across the building, but I plan it to use dining of the first floor and the terrace of the garden together and make the space that opening-like, is bright where I took outside space in by covering the sash from a small opening while being a small house.
I planned the good sunlight of the southern aspect daringly as a bathroom and housework space. I fix a bathroom and the housework room which I can perform act をが of the place equipped with a water supply comfortably at home of the working together and living and the bedroom can conclude not to make any bringing in housework.
I made much of thermal efficiency and gave a basic insulation, an outside insulation and planned it so that it was again with few minimum openings of the heat loss. The heat control air conditioning installed an indoor unit for established wall hangings in first floor floor bottom, second floor floor bottom, the second floor ceiling inside and I performed, heat control in the whole building in winter in the summer and planned comfortable room space regardless of a season.